Indian foreign ministry claims ‘security threats’ after Trudeau’s explosive allegation of state-sponsored killing mean it cannot provide visa services safely

India says it is indefinitely suspending visa services in all categories for all Canadian nationals due to “security threats” to its consulates, amid a furious diplomatic row between the two countries.

Indian foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said they have suspended “all categories” of visas, including e-visas and for Canadian citizens applying from third countries.

And India has also moved to downsize the Canadian diplomatic presence in New Delhi, saying that Canada has more embassy workers in its capital than visa versa and that it wants to restore “parity”.

It comes after Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau said there were “credible allegations” of the Indian state’s involvement in the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada, triggering a furious tit-for-tat row.

  • theinspectorst
    2689 months ago

    So pathetic from India - seeking to punish Canada for the fact that the Indian government murdered a Canadian in Canada, and Canada had the temerity to call them out for it.

    What an absurd victim complex Modi has.

    • Not A Bird
      1429 months ago

      Typical conservative snowflake. How dare you say anything about me? Throwing people in prison for criticism is commonplace in India.

      • @PM_ME_FEET_PICS
        719 months ago

        Unfortunately many of the Sikh people are being subject to genocide and not just locked up.

    • @eestileib
      589 months ago

      It’s sadly not uncommon among Brahmins. “How can these people we literally enslaved for millennia DARE want to convert to a different religion? Why aren’t they more grateful?”