• @lescher
    -329 months ago

    Is your socialist country gonna be democratic? If so, what about the people that will vote for the capatalist party? What If the capatalist party gains popular support? Will socialism just step aside?

    • Ignotum
      639 months ago

      Is your capitalist country gonna be democratic? If so, what about the people that will vote for the socialist party? What If the socialist party gains popular support? Will capitalism just step aside?

      • Rozaŭtuno
        129 months ago

        What If the socialist party gains popular support? Will capitalism just step aside?

        80% of South America: hahahahaha coups go brrrrrrrr

        • @[email protected]
          179 months ago

          That’s basically how it already is in the US.

          While poor people officially have the right to vote, deliberate voter suppression makes it difficult to impossible for tens of millions of them and easy for anyone living in a sparsely populated, rich, and overwhelmingly white area, even letting some of them vote in country clubs.

          Then even if they DO manage to vote, it’s largely symbolic since corruption in the form of several kinds of legal bribes is the norm rather than the exception, leading to policies favoring the rich to the point of almost disenfranchising all poor people and de facto disenfranchisement of everyone whose policy positions are to the left of “free market” myths.

          Tl;Dr: it’s a de facto oligarchic kakistocracy ruled by rich people through pet politicians who are themselves much richer on average than the general population.

        • Ignotum
          49 months ago

          Rich, male and own property* if i remember correctly

          And i don’t think the romans were the first nor the last to enforce those kinds of limits, rich men who owned property have been huge fans of that system throughout the ages

          • @[email protected]
            -19 months ago

            Actually, white and male wasn’t part of the requirements, In the roman system every family had a vote, along with every tribe (Rome saw them as family), now commonly the leader of the family was a man who served in the roman army, and most commonly white because of where the Romans were, but the southern Rome had a few black (what we would consider sub-Saharan Africans) and many Arab families (tribes), it was also not uncommon for the wife to become head of the family if the men were in the legion or dead

    • dakar
      359 months ago

      You say that like capitalists let countries become socialist when the people vote for it.
      Hint: they don’t

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      “Is your egalitarian country gonna be democratic? If so, what about people that will vote for the nazi party? What if the nazi party gains popular support? Will egalitarians just step aside?”

    • Solivine
      149 months ago

      Theoretically you can still have far left with capitalism you know, it just needs the heavy regulation it never gets

      • DessertStorms
        -89 months ago

        Capitalism is incompatible with the far left which is about abolishing hierarchy and living in a stateless classless moneyless society.

        • @[email protected]
          69 months ago

          Far left != communism

          There is plenty of overlap, sure, but they are not entirely one and the same.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          ah, but vanguardism would like a word with you (also a communist system would not inherently have no money, just not the ability to purchase capital with said money)