I’m a bit concerned about how much my husband has been watching his videos, but he’s a hard man to argue with. I want to understand what it is Joe Rogan is saying, but I don’t want to give the man my viewership. How/where do I get the info I can use to debate my husband?

  • mikeboltonshair
    1 年前

    If the OP was looking for someone’s opinion on Joe Rogan to argue on the internet with some rando then sure don’t waste your time or energy or give Joe Rogan any clicks (once again he already makes enough money so your principled non click doesn’t mean shit but anyway) but it’s concerning her cuz her husband likes him… so ya maybe go a little above and beyond for your significant other.

    I never told OP to give Joe Rogan a chance I said to listen to him to see what her husband likes about him so she can form her own views on him and possibly understand what’s appealing to her husband about him or not, she can listen to him and think he’s a total shitstain… but pretty sure you actually have to listen to people to determine what they are all about… unless you have zero friends I’m not sure how you have met anyone with this amazing line of logic.

    OP should ignore jackasses like you who tell her what to think. And because I’ve listened to some Joe Rogan podcasts that makes me a facsist? Lmao get the fuck off the internet for a few hours you are on this shit way too much. Saying that, OP could also ignore what I’m saying too since she can choose to do whatever she wants instead of being a mindless clown that listens to terminally online ass sniffers throwing around words like they are verbal diarrhea…