• PlzGivHugs
    1 year ago

    He was a volenteer of the Waffen-SS, 1st Galician. That particular division seems to have been unusually civil by Nazi standards, and were limitted to mostly fighting the Soviets. There are some reports of them being involved in the murder of polish civilians, and certainly many individuals in the division committed war crimes, but there doesn’t seem to be significant enough evidence to condem the whole division. The Nuremberg Trials didn’t specificly find the division guilty, and neither did later Canadian investigations.

    I think this falls into a bit of a grey area, since there is the possibly that this individual was someone who specifically wantted to fight the Soviets in the same vein as Larry Thorne. At the same time, volentarily joining the Waffen-SS is inherently a pretty massive red flag. At the very least, not realizing you’re inviting a former Waffen-SS member to speak is an stupid mistake and a PR nightmare.