No. 477228380
Drunk cop stories brah

No. 477229176

I got one
>Be freshman in college
>first time smoking weed
>already trashed on whiskey
>twist hard
>wonder down to a frat house
>post up outside and pretend to be security >brothers let me and eventually leave
>asking people for IDs for about an hour
>whole time drinking hard liquor
>2 cops come up the stairs and ask to come in
>ask them for IDs
>“We are the fucking cops, we are going to come in.”
>I say “riddle me this…” then proceed to puke on one of them.
>They stagger back in shock
>run my drunk ass back to my dorm
>Shave my head and beard
>see cops every day patrolling the campus
>never recognize me
I regret nothing