• @Kecessa
    -48 months ago

    Meh, both extremes are as insufferable

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      No, they aren’t.

      Tankies are mostly just delusional victims of troll farms.

      Fascists are… fascists.

        • @Klear
          108 months ago

          Honestly I find it kinda mindblowing how similar lemmygrad and hexbear are to /r/t_d.

          • @Kecessa
            48 months ago

            HB federated with SJW, a bunch of them raided two posts on SJW’s main and management communities, they started insulting the local users, calling them fascists and Nazis, they defederated by pretending they got insulted and called homophobic slurs and their admin called SJW “sh.itsfulla.chuds” and “sh.itholefor.nazis” without noticing the irony…

          • Ataraxia
            28 months ago

            They’re trying their darndest to drag the left into the mud. They’re pushing the same rhetoric as trumpers trying to brainwash young people Jordan Peterson style. The Russian government has a vested interest in destabilizing the US and trying to push people to violence and ‘revolt’ because that would take down the only threat to them. At least most of us aren’t so stupid to believe these people are in any way representing the left, the LGBT or minorities. I was looking for an LGBT friendly community and was so saddened to find out what it really was… trying to radicalize vulnerable groups. Shame on them. Fucking shame.

        • @[email protected]
          -58 months ago

          One is obnoxious, the other actively genocidal.

          Considering them equally bad is a self report.

          • @Kecessa
            48 months ago

            So we’re just pretending genocides weren’t committed by both sides?

            • @[email protected]
              -38 months ago

              So we’re just pretending they’re literally Stalin’s reanimated corpse, and that they’re genocide supporters instead of deniers?

              • @Kecessa
                48 months ago

                If you deny the atrocities committed by someone then yes, you’re supporting them and their choices.

                • @[email protected]
                  -38 months ago

                  It means you either don’t believe the accusation or are lying about not believing it, one is support and the other is denial, and quite frankly I think they’re mostly dumb enough to not believe them.

          • @Kecessa
            48 months ago

            From a governmental point of view, both extremes are responsible for multiple genocides so I’m not even sure which is which in your comment 🤔

            And I’m talking about Lemmy’s tankies vs Reddit’s alt-right, since that’s what the conversation was about in the first place.