Is there stats somewhere that show how much the fediverse or lemmy have grown over a certain period of time? I find it interesting that though these platforms do seem relatively popular ( especially recently ) That the number of posts in certain communities is still pretty low and the number of comments even on popular threads is rather low.

  • @imaqtpieMA
    11 year ago

    Yeah, it’s been that way the whole time. What you unfortunately need to do is use a third party tool to find/examine communities. Then join the ones you want and ignore the stats at the top because they’re dead wrong.

    Btw y’all newbies have it easy, back in my day (2 weeks ago), we had to use this one

    Which is fine but you can see how things are improving rapidly.

    To clarify your concerns, I don’t believe the issue is with the local tracking of stats, but rather with the stats getting uploaded from each server to the rest of the fediverse. If you check our local communities, the stats all seem accurate, at least for me.

    • @drascusOP
      11 year ago

      lol I like how “back in the day” was two weeks ago LMAO