• @Varyk
    388 months ago

    Here’s what looks like an answer: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jun/30/joe-biden-forced-build-donald-trumps-border-wall/

    TLDR: This is a 2019 law passed by Congress during the baby hands administration. The Biden administration has been pretty careful not to overstep other branches of government(I think as a direct response to how flagrantly and harmfully baby hands used executive action), and while Biden returned wall money taken from the DoD, the rest of the wall money was explicitly designated by Congress for building the border wall in 2019 and Congress will not cancel that legislative order(wall funds), despite Biden asking Congress to cancel the 2019 wall funds law since arriving in office in 2020.

    This post is misleading, the money is being legally used for a legislatively required purpose and any federal laws are being broken legislatively by Congress as a result of baby hands in 2019, not the Biden administration.

      • @Varyk
        78 months ago

        I know, this thread was crazy without any real answers. At least now there’s legislative and executive record out there.

        • @[email protected]
          -78 months ago

          Yeah, now there’s excuses for waiving 26 laws in order to enforce one of Trump’s laws. Hooray.

          • @Varyk
            78 months ago

            Just one excuse, the law that Congress won’t repeal since they’re down with the wall, but yea.

              • @Varyk
                98 months ago

                As far as “excuses” go, respecting the Constitution and the legislative process are pretty good ones.

                • @[email protected]
                  -108 months ago

                  Well, at least you were accidentally honest about making excuses until I pointed it out.

                  You got the wall you and Biden wanted. Congratulations on all the dead ocelots.

                  • @Varyk
                    58 months ago

                    I was quite deliberately honest.

                    Biden actively campaigned against the baby hands wall to Congress, who decided to uphold the 2019 law baby hands created.

                    You can thank the last administration for the ocelots.