• @[email protected]
      159 months ago

      I was having difficulty understanding my Chinese boss one day, and after the third time I asked in total confusion, “What?” He looked at me and asked, “Why you not understand me, am I no speaking English?” I cracked us both up with my reply of, “No, you’re clearly speaking Chinglish!”

      • @[email protected]
        289 months ago

        Her: I am struggling with two words.

        Me: Ok.

        Her: Fuck and fuck.

        Me: umm

        Her: the first one is like a thing for eating a meal.

        Me: Oh! Ok “fork” is what you eat with and “fuck” is what you do in private or yell when something goes wrong.

        Her: Say it again.

        (Multiple minutes later of me saying fork and fuck)

        Her: So I eat with a for-K and f-U-ck in private.

        Me: You got it, now go and fork yourself.

        (Me getting hit with a pillow multiple times while laughing)

        • @LucyLastic
          79 months ago

          I have this sort of thing all the time here in Spain, though with shit/sheet.

          There’s plenty going the other way too, of course. At least I don’t mistake miedo and mierda these days …