
As the mod for this community I just wanted to drop this note:

A community purportedly a clone of an overtly political, fascistic, misogynistic, and trolling subreddit was set up on this instance and, as a result, there has been discussion in the greater fediverse to defederate

When I am a net control station, as when I’m operating any radio, I do not discuss politics and follow good amateur practice. When I was a kid I was taught that the hobby was to facilitate emergency communications, enhance technical progress, and promote international goodwill. I’m firmly of the opinion politics messes up that last point, in particular.

While, I don’t want our hobby affiliated with hateful and violent content, I also want discussion to reach as broad an audience as possible. To that end, defederation would be unacceptable. Should be defederated I will be terminating my account and moving elsewhere. Should someone else choose to be a mod, I’ll leave it up to you to decide but I will not be sticking around and will either delete this community (if possible), set up another amateur_radio community, or join an already existing one.

I appreciate you understanding and consideration.

  • @can
    101 year ago

    It’s both amusing and frightening how just one or two users could cause this much discussion and controversy across instances.

    Can’t help but feel like we gave them exactly what they wanted.

    • @sbv
      61 year ago

      Exactly. The community in question is a couple of trolls. This is the drama they wanted.

      • @Barbarian
        91 year ago

        Not only that, a couple of trolls that were banned and their community deleted.

        It’s insane to me that there’s so much drama and craziness over a community that’s already been removed.

        • Dirk Darkly
          41 year ago

          I think people just like being outraged. Makes you feel like you’re standing up and solving a problem without actually doing anything. Kinda like how talking about a goal can give you a sense of accomplishment without achieving it.