• @[email protected]
    59 months ago

    A lot of tankies are just arguing “noooo, my “”“communist””" country can’t be doing something wrong!!!"

    But some are making the genuine argument that these are “just” internment camps and so its not actually a genocide. Which is honestly a fair argument. We don’t tend to claim that the US internment of the Japnese during WW2 was genocide. Just horrible and racist.

    Although the argument he uses about Islamic countries not caring is bullshit, because 1 those countries commit their own atrocities against their civilians so they’re nit exactly running on morality. And 2 they get a lot of support from China so its in there best interest to not piss them off.

    • @goatOP
      39 months ago

      You can definitely make the argument it is genocide if you have to erase your culture and supplement it with the one of the state.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        Yeah you can make that argument. And I would agree with it too. But I would also respect someone who (in good faith) makes the argument that it isn’t.