• @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      And so we can conclude this argument, with the fact that I have won it forever with no chance for you to redeem your loss as no evidence of lack of freedom was ever provided. The End.

      AmeriFreedom rules forever, go USA.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        09 months ago

        🤣 yeah, you “won” it like the USA won Vietnam, sweetie.

        Just like they won Afghanistan.

        And few others.

        Let me know when you finish reading those other links. I know words are hard, but keep struggling, and you’ll get there eventually. Take frequent breaks, and drink plenty of water.

        • @[email protected]
          09 months ago

          I said “The End” so it is clearly you who did not read enough. For if you’d read and comprehended my prior comment, you’d have known that your loss of the argument was final already and it was concluded then.

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            09 months ago

            You said a lot of stupid stuff, this is true. A lot of lies. I love how you’re trying to convince yourself of how great you think you are. It’s pretty cute.

            I bet you made a sash that says “#1” on it, and are marching back and forth while looking in the mirror. Because that’s the kind of “winner” you are. Reminds me of Dubya with the “mission accomplished” banner. Such a champ.

            So… just checking - you still haven’t read those other links, right? Meaning, you gave up trying to “win”, and instead are just throwing your feces around the room?