I was there, I saw the thread. @TheDude, did you? It was pretty strongly in favour. Do we really need to keep waiting around to see if an instance administrated by a guy who wants to declare “cis” a slur is going to turn out okay?

https://sh.itjust.works/post/216888 for context.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Allowing transphobic views to spread online makes people feel more comfortable harassing us in our dms, calling us slurs, and telling us to kill ourselves, or harassing us in public. Then they rally together pass laws to take our children away, throw us in jail, and ban us from recieving basic life-saving healthcare.

    Edit: When it isn’t banned, then we have to take the time to explain all this to the uninitiated and hope they won’t ignore us or say we’re being extremist too. It’s exhausting. Banning it outright takes that weight off us. Case in point, the N word used to be a lot more common on the internet. Now far fewer people feel comfortable saying that shit casually, and we don’t have to discuss why people shouldn’t say it. The message is clear: act like this and you aren’t welcome here.

    • God
      11 months ago

      I hear ya. Quick question, do you dislike Beehaw? I’m considering whether it’s appropriate to promote for vulnerable people to join safe spaces like that, or lemmy.blahaj.zone. Those instances will defederate swiftly from instances with similar concerns for safety. There are many instances that are not pomoted as safe spaces, and there are some that are, and I’m wondering if the question of defederation could be transferred to a recommendation to join a safe space and not an open space where no such safeguards are set due to a higher preference for free access? Let me know what you think.

        • God
          211 months ago

          Does vlemmy defederate anything? The Instances list doesn’t seem to show any blocked instance.

            • God
              311 months ago

              I have thought of developing an anti-instance block, but since I would definitely not use it I haven’t gone forward with it. But it seems quite an easy task, to be honest. A script would just go over any post or comment, check the community’s instance, check the poster/commenter’s instance, and if any of the two match, it can simply do node.deleteNode() and that’s it, ez pz. It’d probably take me less than an hour to do this.

            • God
              211 months ago

              deleted by creator