I was there, I saw the thread. @TheDude, did you? It was pretty strongly in favour. Do we really need to keep waiting around to see if an instance administrated by a guy who wants to declare “cis” a slur is going to turn out okay?

https://sh.itjust.works/post/216888 for context.

  • @Jumuta
    11 months ago

    I really don’t like this flood of “can we defed this instance because i don’t like their ideology” posts.
    Sure, you (and me) might find it offensive, but some others might not, and it shouldn’t be us that get to decide what is right for them.

    I agree that genuinely illegal/unethical instances like that anime cp one mentioned in another comment should be defederated, but I believe these political instances (exploding heads, lemmygrad, etc) should be federated with, and the user should be the one that blocks them.

    Maybe this would be different if there were a lot of extremist instances that the user would have to block individually, but with the current low amount I think it’s best to give the user the choice.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Allowing transphobic views to spread online makes people feel more comfortable harassing us in our dms, calling us slurs, and telling us to kill ourselves, or harassing us in public. Then they rally together pass laws to take our children away, throw us in jail, and ban us from recieving basic life-saving healthcare.

      Edit: When it isn’t banned, then we have to take the time to explain all this to the uninitiated and hope they won’t ignore us or say we’re being extremist too. It’s exhausting. Banning it outright takes that weight off us. Case in point, the N word used to be a lot more common on the internet. Now far fewer people feel comfortable saying that shit casually, and we don’t have to discuss why people shouldn’t say it. The message is clear: act like this and you aren’t welcome here.

      • God
        11 months ago

        I hear ya. Quick question, do you dislike Beehaw? I’m considering whether it’s appropriate to promote for vulnerable people to join safe spaces like that, or lemmy.blahaj.zone. Those instances will defederate swiftly from instances with similar concerns for safety. There are many instances that are not pomoted as safe spaces, and there are some that are, and I’m wondering if the question of defederation could be transferred to a recommendation to join a safe space and not an open space where no such safeguards are set due to a higher preference for free access? Let me know what you think.

          • God
            211 months ago

            Does vlemmy defederate anything? The Instances list doesn’t seem to show any blocked instance.

              • God
                311 months ago

                I have thought of developing an anti-instance block, but since I would definitely not use it I haven’t gone forward with it. But it seems quite an easy task, to be honest. A script would just go over any post or comment, check the community’s instance, check the poster/commenter’s instance, and if any of the two match, it can simply do node.deleteNode() and that’s it, ez pz. It’d probably take me less than an hour to do this.

              • God
                211 months ago

                deleted by creator

    • chetchaka
      1411 months ago

      This is all easy to say for non-trans folk who aren’t being targeted for the next genocide. If we allow users like this to hide behind crypto-fascist rhetoric, vulnerable minority communities will be overwhelmed and pushed out by the sheer volume of hatred.

      I am completely unfamiliar with federation as a concept so there may not be a way to effectively moderate an entire instance consisting of several communities, but if there is a way to protect vulnerable communities without de-federaring, it needs to be done.

      • @can
        11 months ago

        This is a tough call. I see where you’re coming from, I really do, but saying things like “target for the next genocide” really isnt going to win over anyone on the fence.

        Edit: I do live in one of the most trans friendly places in Canada though. If you’re from the southern states (or worse) I can see why it’d feel that way.

        • Quit_this_instanceOP
          611 months ago

          I have a non-binary kid. It’s not an exaggeration or imagination. People have made death threats against them. They’re under twelve years old.

          You only think it’s exaggerated because you’re sheltered from it.

          • @can
            011 months ago

            I’m not saying anyone is imagining things. I’m very sorry to hear your child has gone through that but it’s good you are supportive of them.

            I’m not sheltered from it. Believe it or not I have enby and trans friends. I have heard stories, I know there are awful people out there, that’s not what I’m saying.

            My point is, as an alley, if I pause when I read it phrased that way, just imagine how the people who are already struggling to understand will read it.

            You know what I mean?

            • @Oni_eyes
              311 months ago

              You having those friends doesn’t mean you’re not sheltered if you live in a place where it’s not happening as much.

              You mentioned the southern states so you know what’s going on it just isn’t in your face or affecting you, hence “sheltered”.

              • @can
                11 months ago

                Well I’ve heard a lot worse from other continents, but call me sheltered if you want, miss my pont, that’s fine. No I don’t have a non-binary kid in the states, that sounds rough, I’m sorry.

                All I’m saying is maybe on place like this with clearly more diverse viewpoints (a good thing) I’m mindful on how the “other side” might read those words and take the problem less seriously as a result.

                I hope your kid is doing well and that you both stay safe.

      • @[email protected]
        -1211 months ago

        WHY are vulnerable people joining a decentralized system? Isnt this why you want a closed, not for public eyes community?

        Also genocide? What? Acceptance is extremely high and on the up thanks to a plethora of institutions working HARD to improve the image of trans people. You dismiss all their hard work by calling trans people ripe for genocide.

        You have some extreme views and I recommend you touch some grass, not even ironically. Nobody is planning a genocide on trans people.

          • @can
            711 months ago

            Easy, we defederate all Americans.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Moving the goalposts. You call this a genocide, its a far cry from it. About half the states respect, and provide support.

            Whatever they do in red states isnt nice, but you arent being genocided by a bunch of boomers.

            In fact, I think you are vulgar for comparing your strugglings with people like the jewish, ughurs, black africans who got and get genocided on a daily basis.

            You dont know what struggle is and this makes your comment very tasteless.

            I also notice a weird concidence where most transgender people I meet in real life have zero of the struggles outlined by people online. They a job, partner and get sufficient healthcare. They are respected, except by people of certain religions.

            Again, I will respectfully ask you to stop comparing your struggle to a genocide, as it is not.

            You are a marginalized group that is bullied and pushed around by boomers in suits.

            • @can
              011 months ago

              You are a marginalized group that is bullied and pushed around by boomers in suits.

              Sounds like a struggle to me?

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Transgender people are not disabled. They know exactly what their personal shortcomings are.

            There are a plethora of fediverses that are locked down tight and remove everything that would even mildly trigger people.

            Im all for banning nazis and trolls but I think its healthy to keep discussions.

            I know this fediverse will defederate and I explained in another comment that im completely fine with it. If people dont want to hear centrist opinions thats up to them. Not me.

            I personally use the block button if I feel I dont want to see someones opinion and I encourage everyone to do the same with me they dont want to see my comments.

            Everyone always thinks allowing a bunch of opinions will make everything dissolve in a right wing nightmarish shithole. You can still set boundaries which the EH admins did.

            And lets not forget that the admins of EH always were upfront and honest they would ban nazis or extreme views. This has been confirmed multiple times. Point it out to them and they will ban them.

            • @can
              611 months ago

              They know exactly what their personal shortcomings are.

              Care to elaborate on that point?

              • @[email protected]
                611 months ago

                No person is perfect, its important to know what triggers you. They can manage fine deciding what content they dont want to see.

                If they cant they should find a closed server run by admins that protect them from literally everything. Reddit for example.

                • @tobor
                  311 months ago

                  If you think Reddit protects trans people… you really have no idea.

                • @can
                  -111 months ago

                  It’s sounded like you were implying something a lot worse.

                  • @[email protected]
                    511 months ago

                    If I wasnt clear I have nothing against the trans community.

                    Only dislike I have is the memes because I cant relate to them. 😝

                    But you wont find me entering their safe spaces to start arguing on what is or isnt genocide, im only doing that here because its a public space and I didnt find it reasonable to be set apart as “neonazi” or genocide instigator for joining a centrist community with a bunch of weirdos.

                    I just think edgy memes can be funny

    • @alp
      611 months ago

      Well, let us assume that there is an instance X that specifically ban any instance that contains historical stuff about Holocaust and how bad it was. The instance X may not contain any Nazi propaganda, but you know that they are Nazi. Would you ban them or not?

      • M Force
        011 months ago

        If you really need to imagine such elaborate examples and have nothing to actual link to I think this issue can be put to rest safely.