• idkwhatnametopick
    889 months ago

    Honestly disgusting how the media overlooks this. No idea what these children have ever done. Irrespective of what side you support this is genocide and this should not be tolerated.

    • @[email protected]
      429 months ago

      “noooo these children voted for Hamas they deserve every bit of suffering they get”

      Fucking assholes.

      • teft
        249 months ago

        These children can’t have voted for hamas. The last election in Palestine was in 2006.

      • @[email protected]
        -39 months ago

        Children didn’t vote for the Nazis in the 1930s either but they still died when we bombed German cities. Children die in wars, it’s an unfortunate fact, and Hamas just declared war on their neighbours.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
          9 months ago

          Israeli children die: “bomb all of Gaza, kill as many kids as needed until Hamas is over

          Palestinian children die: “it’s just war, mate, what can I say? War sucks :(

          Screw this crap.

    • @[email protected]
      339 months ago

      This was the top story on NPR’s up first podcast today. They didn’t exactly blame Isreal directly, but they also didnt defend Israel and suggest this is somehow justified. They stuck pretty close to here is what is happening on the ground, here’s voices of those affected, this is a humanitarian tragedy and will only get worse. They mentioned a woman in Gaza rationing milk for her baby due to the food shortage, that stuck with me. So I guess #notallmedia.

      The coverage on the NYT The Daily podcast was spot on what I would expect from the outlet that cheared us into invading Iraq. Trash podcast, I don’t know why I’m still subscribed. Should have dumped it after they spent a whole episode making a martyr out of the praying football coach.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      9 months ago

      The media does everything they can but tell the truth because it flies counter to the goals of capitalism.

      • @Peaty
        59 months ago

        Was Pravda ever telling the truth?

      • @[email protected]
        -19 months ago

        Imma save this comment as an example of the word “capitalism” being used as a weird boogeyman by lemmies, such a joke lmao

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              It used to be that newsrooms operated at a loss because news was seen as a valuable service for the people. Now they have to turn a profit. That means lower budgets, not pissing off advertisers, and peddling sensationalist bullshit designed to rile people up so they engage more.

              • @Peaty
                29 months ago

                Newsrooms were not operated at a loss. Newsrooms and the business side rarely interacted so as to keep up the appearance of journalistic integrity. That is what degraded in the 80s/90s when media companies became focused on profit rather than the service they provide

              • @[email protected]
                -19 months ago

                What about non profit news orgs that run under capitalism? Plenty of european countries have national news outlets that don’t turn in profit.

                This is what I mean, such a good example of the lemmy boogeyman lmao

                • @[email protected]
                  09 months ago

                  You asked the OP to tie it into capitalism. I did that. I’m aware that state funded news exists.

                  This is what I mean, such a good example of the lemmy boogeyman lmao

                  I’m gonna assume you thought you had something there, I’ve no idea what though.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -39 months ago

                    So, there exist non-profit news outlets under capitalism, yet capitalism is bad since news outlets are for-profit?

                    I am sbsolutely dunking it on commies tonight, holy shit it’s easy

        • @[email protected]
          -19 months ago

          Capital loves Israel, especially the military industrial complex.

          Sure, maybe it’s not a very direct link, but it’s part of what the people in power want.

    • @Gorilladrums
      09 months ago

      I don’t think anybody actively supports the killing of children, however, Israel can’t respond to the terrorist attacks without attacking Hamas. Hamas is well known for hiding weapons, militants, and supplies among the civilian population (whether they like it or not), the casualties on the Palestinian side was always expected to be high because of this. It was also expected that no matter how mildly or aggressively Israel responds, there will always be people who try to paint Hamas terrorists as the good guys (including justifying the terrorist attacks) and Israel as the bad guy.

      There’s still a very big difference here. Hamas is killing civilians because they were the target. The intention was to commit massacres because their goal is genocide. Israel is killing civilian by accident because Hamas militants purposely endanger civilians to either protect themselves or increase the number of casualties. The intention here is to kill terrorists and the goal is wipe out Hamas. While killing civilians in either case is wrong as a matter of principle, the former is worse based on intentions alone.

      • idkwhatnametopick
        9 months ago

        I just want to say that any attacks on civilians, whether it be Hamas or the IDF, I don’t justify. While I agree that war inevitably brings about the deaths of civilians, Israel hasn’t exactly made it seem as if striking Gaza is purely to target Hamas. They’ve made their intentions on flattening the whole of Gaza clear and I’m not quite sure how cutting the water supply for 2million people could be a non-intentional act towards the whole population rather than opposed to only Hamas.