Finished Chloe Marr by A. A. Milne. I liked the book, but it's very much product of it's time, the way men and women act. Also, if you can get the literary and pop-culture (of that time) references, you'll enjoy it a lot more. As it is, even though I enjoyed reading it, when I wasn't reading it, I didn't feel too much like picking it up.

Read Jujitsu Kaisen Vol. 3. Continuing my 1 volume per month for JJK. Same as The Dresden Files. Don't want to finish all the published work and wait for new ones. So, once a month will keep me supplied for quite a while.

Read Meet the Maliks - Twin Detectives: The Cookie Culprit by Zanib Mian. Got it for my kid, felt a little bit like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but more about muslim family and kids. Read it to see how it is, and I enjoyed it. It's first in the series though, the author has also written Planet Omar series, may try those for kid next.

Starting Death Masks by Jim Butcher.

What about all of you? What have all of you been reading and listening?

  • @froge
    29 months ago

    I’m deep into wheel of time #10 right now. Thankfully it’s more exciting than 8 or 9 so far

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Congratulations on making it through books 7-9. Those books were pretty awful, but holy heck does the wrap up of the series make it worthwhile.

      • @froge
        18 months ago

        At least the back half of 9 was good. But yeah it took me a couple of months to get through 8

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          It’s been awhile since my last read through, I’ve been thinking about taking another read through.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      29 months ago

      Yeah, IIRC, #10 is where it starts becoming interesting again. It should be a good ride to the end from here.

      • @froge
        29 months ago

        I’m just glad to have made it through the slog. Side note, did you read new spring after 14 or in the middle somewhere?

        • @[email protected]OPM
          29 months ago

          Just looked it up, it seems I read it after book 4. Also, it seems I got book 5 two years later, so chances are I got the prequel but couldn’t get the next book so read that instead.

          If it were now, I would go with the published date, which puts it after Book 10. So, that’s what I would recommend.