For better or worse at least we all know how to deal with the weather. The trains don’t care what temperature it is and life goes on. I feel for the areas that aren’t equipped to deal with temps below 30.
For better or worse at least we all know how to deal with the weather. The trains don’t care what temperature it is and life goes on. I feel for the areas that aren’t equipped to deal with temps below 30.
Honestly never baked with honey, but sounds right. Worst case it’s a little sweet. I’m sure king Arthur baking has some info on it
Be careful with honey the conversion is not one to one from sugar. Worth a try regardless
Egg wash will get you a deeper browning on top than butter
At least the back half of 9 was good. But yeah it took me a couple of months to get through 8
I’m just glad to have made it through the slog. Side note, did you read new spring after 14 or in the middle somewhere?
I’m deep into wheel of time #10 right now. Thankfully it’s more exciting than 8 or 9 so far
What do you think of the books written by Brian? I just finished God emperor a couple of weeks ago.
It still does they’re just only in IL, MN, and MI now