Maps and documents recovered from the bodies of Hamas attackers reveal a coordinated plan to target children and take hostages inside an Israeli village near Gaza.

  • queermunist she/her
    9 months ago

    Videos and evidence can be arranged and presented in a way to create a narrative. That doesn’t make the narrative true.

    Give me enough footage and evidence and I can “prove” Bush did 9/11. I just need to discard or downplay all the footage and evidence that is inconvenient, and overemphasize the footage and evidence that supports my narrative.

    • @idkwhatimdoing
      19 months ago

      This isn’t about proving a conspiracy or particular people’s involvement, though. It’s about what happened on the ground. Who was killed, by whom, where? Those are facts, independent of interpretation or agenda. The nature of the documents can be disputed, but the content of them sorta can’t be, given that it’s just what happened.

      It’s the difference between gathering videos to suggest it was Bush vs gathering videos to just show that, yes, the twin towers were hit. One is subject to both record and agenda, and the other is just historical record.

      • queermunist she/her
        9 months ago

        A lot of the “facts” turn out to be unsubstantiated, like the ‘40 beheaded babies’ story. We absolutely don’t have the facts.

        • @idkwhatimdoing
          19 months ago

          Reuters and AP just confirmed a number of those videos, btw.

          • queermunist she/her
            09 months ago

            I didn’t say all the facts were unsubstantiated?

            It’s like this: make some fake documents that match the known facts, and then in those documents include fake evidence to support “facts” that push an agenda.

            A document says “go to house A, take hostage, burn it down, eat the baby”. We know they went to the house, took a hostage, and burned it down. No baby was found, but the document says the baby was eaten so clearly it must have happened because the document is true.

            • @idkwhatimdoing
              19 months ago

              That’s not what’s happening here. There are bodies and videos to verify what happened.

              • queermunist she/her
                19 months ago

                You can not know if the bodies and videos verify everything in those documents! There are doubtlessly things included in those documents that we wouldn’t otherwise think we knew without seeing them - which means the documents become the only evidence.

                • @idkwhatimdoing
                  19 months ago

                  The only things taken from these documents are the plan to take hostages and kill civilians in a school and kibbutz compound, with the awareness that many of those civilians would be children. There’s no extrapolation there and that exact thing happened.

                  • queermunist she/her
                    19 months ago

                    It was a holiday weekend. Odd time to attack a school fo the purpose of kidnapping children.

                    The extrapolation is that they “intentionally targeted children” but the time is odd for that. In fact, it looks like they intentionally chose a time when fewer children would be in the battle.