• @MomoTimeToDie
    21 year ago

    Unfortunately internet mods, fediverse or not, are usually a bunch of power tripping basement losers who often end up abusing their position to censor people and ideas they don’t like.

    • Gadg8eerOPM
      31 year ago

      Also, I get what you’re trying to say; reddit was even worse about that kind of thing. But that’s my whole point: Community managers cannot be trusted with defederation, imagine if reddit didn’t allow the linking of twitter tweets or tumblr posts or whatever when corporate social media was actually desirable and then wonder how people would react to the promises of Web 2.0 and its “better convenience” factor.

      Mark my words, if defederation is not removed from the watchmen’s reach, they will try to destroy the entire fediverse with it.

      • @MomoTimeToDie
        31 year ago

        Exactly. I see little internet mods throwing around defederation like that scene from megamind where tighten says “more like under new management”. Their problem with reddit wasn’t the overbearing admins, it was that they weren’t the overbearing admins themselves

    • Zeppo
      31 year ago

      my experience on reddit is that some mods are cool and others think their position means they get a Power Downvote.

    • Gadg8eerOPM
      11 year ago

      I mean, I’ll admit I fit the “basement” definition, and as for “loser” I’ve unfortunately never succeeded in ANY long term life goals - always due to circumstances beyond my control - which makes me a “loser” in the sense of “never wins”, but power trips and the people who enjoy them are a pet peeve of mine. Honestly, I despise the proud assholes of the world so much that my trademark deadly sin is wrath, but I promise to do my best with this “reset” of the internet provided by the downfall of the old overcentralized crapsack world wide web 2.0 that had us all trapped in corporate nightmares.