Was just thinking that there should be doctor clubs, where a bunch of people pool their money to hire a dedicated general physician. Or to have a shared tailor, or group cafeteria, or whatever.

The ratio of people covered to specialists would probably determine whether it’s feasible. You’d want the specialist to still get paid a healthy (and guaranteed) salary and to have a more satisfying relationship with customers. And the members of the club to get better service / product than they would otherwise with middlemen taking a cut.

  • @burntbutterbiscuits
    29 months ago

    Neither of us would have copay or deductible if we actually had to use our insurance

    • Neuromancer
      09 months ago

      Are you talking about a single payer system? They often have co-pays and deductibles.

      • @burntbutterbiscuits
        19 months ago

        I don’t obfuscating the point. Neither you or I will be writing the damn single payer legislation. I’m not going to argue about random semantics.

        Single payer is cheaper than what we currently spend in the usa on health care. Period.

        • Neuromancer
          09 months ago

          It isn’t. You keep saying that but nobody agrees with you. I gave a cite that showed the democrats plans and all cost more. None show it being cheaper.

          • @burntbutterbiscuits
            19 months ago

            Dozens of studies suggest you are wrong.

            You don’t know what you’re talking about

            • Neuromancer
              19 months ago

              Yet keep babbling but have yet cite Anything. I three different plans evaluated by an economist who weighs their economic impact.

              Basically you have no clue what you’re telling about but keep making inaccurate claims.