Seems like with all AI-enabling and just works out of the box experiences with VSCode and alike, makes GNU Emacs absolete. I’m aware of AI packages for GNU Emacs, but don’t think is worth the investiement so much; I would mostly save it for org mode, TUI, and some other few packages. But for programming, it doesn’t seem lile worth the investment, and use VSCode instead.

Certainly knowing things will always be valuable - but the effect of assistants and LLMs may be to change what it is valuable to know by devaluing a great heap of current generation’s programmers’s stock and trade.

As an addenda: by value in the above I mean “instrumental value” or more specifically, valuable to the rich who want to exploit the skills of others to become yet richer. There is always intrinsic value to knowing for the people who love to know.

[email protected],

  • Platypus
    9 months ago

    Is it the right tool for every job? Probably not any more, but it’s still the right tool for many.

    I have migrated to VSCode for most of my daily dev work because its language support is undeniably better (especially on a corp machine), but I always keep an emacs window open for a whole bunch of different stuff:

    • ephemeral todo lists
    • plaintext and markdown editing
    • quick-and-dirty Python or shell scripting
    • project planning and other org mode goodies
    • all the other weird little stuff that falls through the cracks of an editor but is super easy in emacs
    • rhabarba
      59 months ago

      I have migrated to VSCode for most of my daily dev work because its language support is undeniably better

      GNU Emacs’s auto-indentation is superb. Nothing comes even close.

        • rhabarba
          18 months ago

          Go and Rust, from what I remember. I haven’t touched VS Code in a while, but I seriously doubt that the current version can indent any language better than GNU Emacs does. I’m open for being proven wrong, of course.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      That’s also a very similar setup I have. Nothing can replace org-mode, so at least Emacs will have to stay for that. Also using it in server mode is nice to reopen a new window in an instance. I also have many tiny scripts I made through out the years to generate random things for work, and also query the radio station we listen to give my the artist and song title that is playing. Can’t work without those ^^

    • Alex
      28 months ago

      But LSPs have done an excellent job of separating language specific tooling from editors - and Emacs can use them as well.

    • @[email protected]OP
      29 months ago

      I also think this is the way. Glad to know I am not alone. Thank you!

      PS: I have a pretty nice and modularized GNU Emacs config, but it’s to me just as Lex we are missing a ton by constraining only on GNU Emacs.