• @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      I’ve never hear the phrase “reality has a leftist bias”. in which contexts is it usually applied?

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        A common one recently is in response to the assertion that chatGPT and similar LLMs have a leftist bias, when the reality is that they’re just regurgitating the data they’ve been fed.

        One example I particularly remember was someone asking chatGPT what it thought of trump, which it responded to with a list of things Trump lied about or fucked up. Never mind that it was all accurate, it “clearly” showed that it has a left bias lol

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        When the context is the person thinks “liberal” means “leftist.”

        The phrase is “reality has a liberal bias,” in response to media support of liberal viewpoints. Usually because they can back them up with proof.

        The problem they have is, even in solely American context, there’s a difference between “the left” and “leftists.”