How much porns, hentais, fap materials do have on your personal devices (pcs, laptops, phones,…)

I have 44GB on my USB, 54.7GB on my PC and ~60GB on my phone.

Edit: I just remember I also have ~130GB stored my old laptop’s hard drive as encryted files

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I’ve got about 500mb in an encrypted container of my wife, that’s the only thing I would ever need to store. So many free streaming sites that if I wanted to look at porn at any point I could, but the wife will provide for my needs if I ask so I usually don’t have to resort to it unless she’s sick.

    I do repairs for a living, and once had some weirdo fuck ask if I’d accept a copy of his like…25tb collection, and just said “Dude, wtf? No.”