Lately I see a lot of calls do have specific instances defederated for a particular subset of reasons:

  • Don’t like their content
  • Dont like their political leaning
  • Dont like their free speech approach
  • General feeling of being offended
  • I want a safe space!
  • This instance if hurting vulnerable people

I personally find each and every one of these arguments invalid. Everybody has the right to live in an echo chamber, but mandating it for everyone else is something that goes a bit too far.

Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones?

Edit: Original context

Controversial topic, feel free to discuss!

  • @kakes
    51 year ago

    Do y’all really think this is a cultural thing? This is a human thing - always has been. Why do you guys think we’ve been throwing the sticks and stones in the first place?

    • @goat
      -41 year ago

      bad argument. We’ve always been shitting on the ground yet now we use toilets.