• @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      Germany was sadly not the only country which mass killed and exiled Jews. Perhaps, you know, read up about it?

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Lmao crying about Palestine having land taken from them they never had in the first place and then coming up with this is peak satire

      • @[email protected]
        08 months ago

        Palestinians weren’t living there for centuries before these European Jews came in? Oh right, I forgot, supposedly God is a divine real estate agent who promised these Europeans land in Palestine thousands of years in the future.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          You mean like Jewa weren’t living there for millenia before these Muslim came in?

          What the fuck is that argument.

          • @PM_ME_FEET_PICS
            38 months ago

            No they weren’t. The Arab people lived there first. Proto-Jews moved there and left from there, they were nomadic, pulling ideas for their religion everywhere they went.

            The Arab people continued to live there for 2 thousand more years until they were drove out by canaanites.

            Many wars happen. Civil War 200 years after the Arabs were drove out established the site of Jerusalem as a Jewish kingdom. They write in thier books the land is promised to them. 3500 years of history erased.

            Over the course of 1000 years. Roman’s take the land by force and rebuild. Christians take the land by force and rebuild. Persians take the land and rebuild. Then the Christians take it again.

            Meanwhile the expelled Arab people have been developing thier own beliefs and formed Islam.

            Around 600CE they rose from the desert and peacefully took Jerusalem(by all recorded accounts from Jews and Christians). Where they rebuilt holy sites for all 3 religions.

            Soon after the crusades happened and there is much more change in hands of the land.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      No, no, the west is never at fault. Sure, Germany killed six millions Jews, but it’s best that Britain divided up some foreign land and pushed the “problem” (that the anti-Semites in the west caused) onto other people while scolding them for not liking having their homes taken.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        Jews settled there before the formation of Israel and the location was specifically favored by the Jews.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          Yeah, Jews had lived there for a long time, then the zionist movement pushed for mass emigration to Palestine and that’s where problems arose.

        • @PM_ME_FEET_PICS
          -18 months ago

          Jews drove out the Arab who settled the land 3500 years before.