Hi im new here, cause im trans, also a bit into leftism (I like the red vibe and hate capitalism) but not committed mostly because im new to politics in general. This is a burner because the whole subject seems very heated and I don’t want my main account banned.

so it was very surprising to me to see commies just… argue? Marxist Leninist, tankie, whatever, just seem to be like other commies, but ya’ll just hate them? I mean didn’t commies like the soviet union? I get China because of the weird capitalism its got, but I thought the soviets were like ya’lls trump card? I mean what else do ya’ll have? I mean I know it had baddies, but I thought ya’ll had like different views on it? I mean there was so much going on they at least have to had done something.

Like apparently the lemmy developers are ‘tankies’, but who cares? They built the thing, and it seems like they’ve just let us do whatever we want, nothing bad right?

It all just seems like different methods. being anarchist is fine (I don’t know what you do at all but it seems like you’re around at least), but being a ‘tankie’ makes you a fascist? Im just very very confused. Didn’t the USSR fight Nazis? I’m not giving them a kiss or anything but they killed quite a lot of Nazis, isn’t that at least kinda good?

I only recently found out that commies even had like different ideologies. I want to get into leftism, but it seems to be about the same as if I just stayed out of it, everyone is spending all the time fighting people, but I thought your whole thing was fight the man, not fight other commies?

And then I see leftists just lackluster in their critiques of America? I mean, anyone knows america hates commies, all of em, beat yall in '91 (honestly suprised yall still here). Now its ‘america is a flawed democracy’ and ‘bad nato but only when they do things’. I thought ya’ll at least had strong opinions? Why can’t you just hate america, thought that was yalls thing?

Its very silly to try to adopt revolutionary things and then like… limp dick it. Like, NATO is a capitalist alliance, shouldn’t commies hate that? Seems very straightforward. I mean I know Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is very bad, but does that mean defending a capitalist state? Yall spend a lot of time arguing for NATO against these tankies (while I don’t understand their position, it seems to at least be in that ‘fuck the US’ thing I thought yall did). Although I see the whole thing as too much for me to understand, some of yall do sort of agree with NATO bad too, but somehow its good for them to fight another capitalist? How’s that doing anything for ya?

Its all very confusing

I admit I care little for yalls squabbles, yall seem to care an awful lot about footnotes in history when the future looks like a big chance. Like I dont know what the hell happened in the Spain civil war, but how does that like change anything? Nobody sides yall commies seem to care about it period. Don’t yall hate capitalism, why then do yall spend half the time getting angry at other commies?

Its very silly in my view, and again very counterproductive

Its souring to get into communism and hear that apparently all the big dudes and big things in it are bags of shit, and I should read a bunch of small guys that only yall seem to know. Like Marx is BIG, but apparently he’s bad now? Like I know its older, but isn’t capitalism? Doesn’t seemed to have changed very much, but the products sure have, but the system is still big guy owns thing, exploits worker, hoards wealth, an that sorta thing. He’s like the floorboards, but now he isn’t? Did yall convene after the 90s and hit a reset on the whole thing? Starting from scratch?

I wanted to ask them their opinions, but they seem a little scary, so Ill talk to yall first. I just wants some clarifications about this issue.

  • @[email protected]OP
    -39 months ago

    I’m a trans communist and I know nothing about communism.

    what the hell?

    what the hell?!

    That was not in your first fucking comment, you edited you damn bitch

    i didn’t know I was talking to a bunch of paranoid transphobes

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I edited nothing (or Lemmy would have shown it), and I only inferred that from the first sentence of your post. You can’t deny anything, you’re paranoid too.

      • @[email protected]OP
        -49 months ago

        doesn’t fucking change your goddamn transphobia, i get the comments about me being crazy or posting in the wrong place, but what the fuck does being trans have to do with anything? Im not even a fucking red!

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          I like the red vibe

          Pathetic dog whistle.

          Also there is no transphobia, you’re paranoid. I said that you should educate yourself about communism and homosexuality.

          • @[email protected]OP
            -39 months ago

            then why the fuck did you mention me being trans, I never said I was a commie, I stated multiple times that im just interested. You’re avoiding the question you freak. Tell me why being trans has fucking anything to do with it or im taking this to the admins you fuck.

            • @[email protected]
              -19 months ago

              What question?

              Also being trans or homosexual is strictly forbidden in communist countries. You should know that already.