After working pretty well for several years suddenly NordVPN is returning an AUTH_FAILURE via OpenVPN, despite the same username/password working to login on their website. Has anyone else suddenly experienced this? Any clues? (other than stop using NordVPN [wink]/-sigh-) Thank you! UPDATE: NordVPN is (apparently) reading as down via

UPDATE2: It is starting to indicate a generalized failure of accepting authorization from OpenVPN as one can see from the comments down the page linked above. Has NordVPN quietly pulled a reddit against ‘third party’ agents? (if so, i want some money back - hah, fat chance -sigh-)

  • @httpjames
    51 year ago

    Many issues.

    1. They were hacked in 2019 and got their private keys leaked.
    2. They have ties to a data mining company called Tesonet.
    3. Their “experiments” have used cookies to perform price discrimination on unsuspecting visitors.
    4. Their website is infested with trackers and third party cookies.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Also they have a shit load of money advertising, if a company advertises that much they definitely scam you.