Dust is a rewrite of du (in rust obviously) that visualizes your directory tree and what percentage each file takes up. But it only prints as many files fit in your terminal height, so you see only the largest files. It’s been a better experience that du, which isn’t always easy to navigate to find big files (or atleast I’m not good at it.)

Anyway, found a log file at .local/state/nvim/log that was 70gb. I deleted it. Hope it doesn’t bite me. Been pushing around 95% of disk space for a while so this was a huge win 👍

  • @FigMcLargeHuge
    28 months ago

    But did he even look at the log file? They don’t get that big when things are running properly, so it was probably warning him about something. Like “Warning: Whatever you do, don’t delete this file. It contains the protocol conversion you will need to interface with the alien computers to prevent their takeover.”

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      PTSD from the days long ago when X11 error log would fill up the disk when certain applications were used.