• @[email protected]
    -17 months ago

    Indeed. Like a ton of modern medicine is based upon the findings of Nazi scientists torturing Jews and others.

    It is bad that it happened, but we wouldn’t be saving so many lives if we denied the information.

    • That’s not actually true as far as I know. The Nazi experiments were rarely truly ‘scientific’, instead being poorly documented and often having no or poor controls.

      A lot of their ‘research’ ended up being unusable, unreproducible or just plain wrong.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      That’s a common misconception. Nazi scientists were surprisingly incompetent, like they didn’t document shit, no control or even reason for doing what they did. Most of it seemed to exist just to torture people and the results were just useless. Because of how shit they were as scientists they didn’t even learn about torture.

      Oh and another shining example was when Nazies got flat earthers in their rocketry department who did not account for the curvature of the earth thus missing every time at long range. Also any evidence that counteracted their science was called Jewish science and discarded.

    • @goatOPM
      27 months ago

      Bad is putting it lightly. It’s an atrocity.