Family sued after Sarah Katz died last year after drinking Charged Lemonade, apparently unaware of soda’s high caffeine content

  • @starman2112
    18 months ago

    She likely didn’t ask for a “Charged Lemonade,” she asked for a 30 oz fountain cup and filled it up at the self serve kiosk. There’s no reason to assume she knew it was called “charged lemonade,” because like I already said, nobody pays attention to the marketing fluff.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      So you didn’t actually look at your own picture where it is clearly labeled as “charged lemonade”?

      • @starman2112
        18 months ago

        There’s only so many ways I can say the phrase “people don’t look at small text when it looks like marketing fluff” before I start repeating myself