SPATA, Greece (AP) — In an olive grove on the outskirts of Athens, grower Konstantinos Markou pushes aside the shoots of new growth to reveal the stump of a tree — a roughly 150-year-old specimen, he said, that was among 15 cut down on his neighbor’s land by thieves eager to turn it into money.

  • rhythmisaprancer
    38 months ago

    I disagree with that is what we teach kids, we actually teach them essentially the opposite. This helps them, especially when young, to understand why someone else may receive a gift (it’s their birthday) but they do not.

    In general, I think that you are in line with Cynicism, but I am unsure how theft fits in to that view. It seems very possible with their general adherence to having as few possessions as possible and a general disregard for shame. We need our Cynic!

    • @Kecessa
      -38 months ago

      Man, good luck managing your children if one of them has a bunch of stuff and the other doesn’t.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        Is your sense of fairness to just read half of what’s written and understanding only half of what’s read? Leaving the other half for others? It feels like it is, reading your responses here.

        I honestly don’t know how you got here from what was written. I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume English isn’t your first language. That said, when it isn’t, you should really avoid being a pedant.

      • rhythmisaprancer
        28 months ago

        Well, that’s true, but that wasn’t what I meant (or said I guess). What I meant is that sometimes we have to wait for gratification, even while others get something we want or need. Relevant to this thread, because the system has broken down/is built in a flawed manner (as you rightly pointed out) many folks have waited, only to never receive gratification.

        I wasn’t really trying to call you wrong or anything, just a minor point I guess. This is a challenging situation, I won’t claim to have the right answer!

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Have you ever heard the phrase “golden child”? It’s sadly relatively common for a certain sort of dysfunctional family. Screws up entire lifetimes for people.