• @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    For a reason I’m not yet sure about, the official website for provincial parks in my province refuse to establish a secure connection with Firefox. I’ve switched to FF a few months ago now and aside from that specific website not working correctly, the rest is fine to me.

    • darcy
      38 months ago

      have you tried spoofing your user agent with the useragent switcher extension?

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Not yet. I just use a different browser for now. It’s an intermittent issue where it just randomly fails the SSL handshake.

        Secure Connection Failed

        An error occurred during a connection to www.sepaq.com. SSL received an unexpected Server Hello handshake message.


        Apparently I can also try to change SSL and TLS options. I’ll experiment a bit and see. I guess I should also let the website know. Maybe it’s just a configuration issue on their end, and other Firefox users are facing the same error. I use this website to make camping reservations and as winter is coming where I am, I have a few months to try different options before it becomes a bit more annoying again.