Federal law and regulations require insurers to hand over exactly this sort of information in response to a written request. And they have to do it fast: Most people who get insurance through an employer should get the records, called claim files, within 30 days.

There’s just one catch: Some insurers aren’t turning files over like they’re supposed to. We followed ProPublica readers through the process with five different insurers. Several companies only shared documents with patients after we reached out.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Agreed. But at the moment, they exist, so we have to work with the hand we’re dealt, while also trying to build a better system.

    • PorkRollWobbly
      38 months ago

      How about we make them not exist? No concessions with those who profit off of the sick as we distantle and restructure the healthcare system.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        That’s a process. It doesn’t happen overnight.

        Unless you have ideas for immediately deleting them within the next 24 hours without repercussions.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            So what are your solutions? Because if you get rid of what we have with the delete button, lots more people then have no method of getting help.