• DarkGamer
    8 months ago

    In war between nations, all punishment is collective punishment. That’s how war works. Your point of view might seem more compelling if they were not currently a belligerent territory under a hostile government actively launching bloody attacks against Israel. Blockades, fortifications, restricting movement, etc., are intended to deny the enemy resources that they would otherwise use to kill Israelis.

    If Gaza sues for peace then that changes things. While they remain at war, all of these actions are totally reasonable. This is about safety, not punishing civilians.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      08 months ago

      Like I said before, this is due to the blockade. The blockade started before Hamas was in control of the strip, and wasn’t strengthened in response to a particular attack against Israel (those started in earnest in 2007 after the blockade evolved into the form we know today). They’re at war because peace isn’t working. It didn’t work in 1995, it didn’t work in 2008 and it didn’t work in 2014 (when Netenyahu actively opposed it, mind you).