Forty states saw rises in parents citing religious or other personal concerns for not vaccinating their young children.

The number of kids whose caregivers are opting them out of routine childhood vaccines has reached an all-time high, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday, potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of children unprotected against preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough.

The report did not dive into the reasons for the increase, but experts said the findings clearly reflect Americans’ growing unease about medicine in general.

“There is a rising distrust in the health care system,” said Dr. Amna Husain, a pediatrician in private practice in North Carolina, as well as a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vaccine exemptions “have unfortunately trended upward with it.”

    • @[email protected]
      278 months ago

      Kinda odd to think technology, the thing meant to propel us further, has a lot of uses to hold some people (a lot) back

      • @mayoi
        8 months ago

        Such as the internet which was used to try and halt entire world’s economy through fearmongering due to virus that killed insignificant % of people which would still be insignificant % if we did fucking nothing at all.

        • @Nythos
          48 months ago

          Covid had >750 million cases and nearly 7 million deaths and that was with extensive efforts to reduce the spread.

          If nothing was done the pandemic would have been far worse, far more deadly and would have done even more damage to “muh conomy”

          • @mayoi
            08 months ago

            I am 2 out of those cases by myself and I didn’t even go to the hospital because it wasn’t worth the time to do so.

        • @alignedchaos
          18 months ago

          Yea sure the only stat that matters is the death statistic. Why include catastrophic hospital overload, mass worker drain in the healthcare industry, long COVID effects, or concern for immunocompromized people with much higher death rates? Those would be inconvenient for whatever horseshit you’re spewing.

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      The idea that evolution is always progress is incorrect.

      It’s more like a random walk where adaptable changes are more likely to continue and maladaptive changes are more likely to die out.

      But we live in a society where we artificially keep maladaptive humans alive to reproduce, and even tend to have them reproduce at a higher rate than the members of society that are most adaptable.

      In theory this could be an issue if we were going to depend on adaptive changes to human biological and environmental developments for continued success.

      In reality, it’s not going to matter as within a generation we’re going to have effectively infinitely scalable AI which is more adaptable than the average human and will offset the growth in maladaptive humans relative to adaptable.

      Which will still not matter, as within a century the various debts we as a species are taking on will likely have inescapable consequences that doom us all, at best our cultural legacy living on with the continuation of AI that is adaptable to the environmental hellscape we leave behind.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Non-random survival of randomly varying replicators, according to Richard Dawkins.

    • @Immersive_Matthew
      18 months ago

      I think it is just evolution in action with kids unfortunately paying the price. There are many parental Darwin awards being readied.

    • @Cheers
      18 months ago

      Social regression is necessary for genetic evolution. Some of us will not make it to find out.

    • @mayoi
      -88 months ago

      Vaccination is a regression because instead of immunity being encoded in our genetic code, passed down through mother’s blood and milk, it is outsourced to private companies that don’t actually give a shit about our wellbeing.

      • @alignedchaos
        28 months ago

        That’s your rationale for deciding vaccines are bad?? Wait till you hear about the companies who made the device you’re typing on, the electricity your home uses, your vehicle and the fuel you put in it, and the food you eat.

        • @mayoi
          -38 months ago

          The fact that someone so stupid like you is alive is proof enough that vaccines are bad.

          • @alignedchaos
            38 months ago

            Lol I tapped your user profile so I could tag you, and just saw your opinions on RegEx and DevOps. Holy shit you have no license to call another human being stupid. Hahahahahahaha

            • @Klear
              18 months ago

              Which client are you using to tag people? The function was surprisingly useful in RES and I bet it’s even more useful on the comparatively small pond that is Lemmy…

              • @alignedchaos
                28 months ago

                The sad part is that’s how I discovered there isn’t one. :/ At least not on the Memmy app

            • @mayoi
              -18 months ago

              Well you aren’t human so don’t worry about this.

          • @alignedchaos
            28 months ago

            Exactly, vaccines are why a lot of otherwise stupid people are able to survive. Bet you’re the kind of person who also has fascinating theories about evolution “culling the weak.” I hope you don’t have any dependents who are forced to rely on you.

            • @mayoi
              -18 months ago

              Evolution isn’t enough, humans are pretty fucking retarded species that will never evolve to anything great because luddites keep fighting against eugenics.

              • @alignedchaos
                48 months ago

                There it is.

                • @mayoi
                  -18 months ago

                  Indeed, the opinion you didn’t want to hear after probing for it is here. Have you tried not asking if answers will hurt you as usual?

                  • @alignedchaos
                    18 months ago

                    Hahahahahaha I suspected you were a troll but you clearly don’t understand what is happening here. Thanks for making it so easy

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      -108 months ago

      People misunderstanding evolution constantly always confused the shit out of me lmfao.

      Of course species regress. It’s how extinctions happen lmfao. Also 95% of evolution is what women of the species think looks good enough to bang. Sometimes that means you mean drown when it rains lmfao. Looking at all of you snub nosed monkeys and traumatic enseminators.