• @[email protected]
    88 months ago

    “Normal guy in 2000”

    as someone who was into computers and in high school in 2000, that that was not normal.

    even if yo mean normal computer literate person, not even then… Most people did not run their own servers, was it more common, yeah, but it wasn’t a given.

    Things were only free if you were into piracy, everything cost money though without as much marketing, but then it wasn’t a huge market…

    Also ads were everywhere and worse…

    • EngywuckOP
      28 months ago

      I considered myself a pretty “normal guy” back then and paid my domain/hosting and had a hand-written HTML+js blog/website with no ads… And plenty of “normal people” used to do that, even if it was a much smaller percentage of internetizens than nowadays.