• @AMillionNames
    -68 months ago

    What I want to know is why are the people that hate it so much so obsessed with commenting on it? Aren’t you supposed to be enjoying the better games and contributing to their communities instead?

      • @AMillionNames
        7 months ago

        This is the most BGS game I’ve played.

        But more to the point, people have already seen this type of criticism. Time and time again. The problem isn’t the criticism, the problem is the obsession with it.

    • @Jakeroxs
      28 months ago

      A lot of people have hate boners for Bethesda and their games, I think it’s partially because of how popular they are, even with each game having many flaws in their design. It’s also likely some are older fans who played Morrowind and dislike the direction toward accessible/mainstream design as that comes at a cost of the more intricate/in-depth systems which means generally less customizability in how you can play the game.

      Don’t get me wrong, Bethesda games can and do deserve to be critiqued, but a lot of people just go way overboard.

      I put 177 hours into Starfield, and enjoyed it quite a bit, I have my own nitpicks and definitely just wish there was more content/things to do, but I know that because of the modding support, I’ll come back and play it over and over again for years to come. Just like I have with Skyrim (742 hrs on SSE alone, so not including my 360 gameplay way back when it first came out), Fallout 4 (951 hrs) and NV (which I’m currently replaying right now as I haven’t since it first came out).