First police investigation of Supernova festival also found Israeli forces responsible for some deaths.

  • @[email protected]
    -28 months ago

    WTF kind of terrorism supporting comment is this?

    Hamas published their own videos showing them murdering civilians. They threw grenades into bomb shelters that families were hiding in.

    You’re blaming the response for people dying? The response that has been widely panned as taking too long, allowing many civilians to perish?


    • @[email protected]
      08 months ago

      Israel used terrorism to found their state.

      What makes it immoral to use against Israeli colonization?

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        Bro, Israel was founded by UN decree. The Palestinians were given the same deal, they were actually offered a better deal in the 30s and refused. It wasn’t founded by terrorism, it was defended from immediate attack by its Arab neighbors though.

        FFS, the Palestinians had millions of dollars set aside for them to set up their government and society, funding that Israel was never provided.

        I’d suggest you read the UN declaration before going about spreading disinformation.

        Jews are indigenous to Judea. To claim they’re colonizing their Homeland is laughable. Palestine isn’t even an Arabic word, they’re colonizers from the Arabian Peninsula for crying out loud. It’s crazy that narrative took off.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          8 months ago

          Palestine isn’t even an Arabic word, they’re colonizers from the Arabian Peninsula for crying out loud. It’s crazy that narrative took off.

          Okay I was gonna actually respond to your points but the moment you said this I realized you don’t know much about this conflict. Palestinians are also natives of Judea, now called Palestine.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            Do you understand how and why the name Palestine was given to the area? Palestine isn’t an Arabic term at all, that’s because the people who you say are indigenous to the area came from the peninsula.

            • NoneOfUrBusiness
              08 months ago

              Sigh. Seriously read a book. Or no read a Wikipedia article.

              Like in other “Arabized” Arab nations, the Arab identity of Palestinians, largely based on linguistic and cultural affiliation, is independent of the existence of any actual Arabian origins

              Palestinians share a strong genetic link to the ancient Canaanites.


              You’re currently spreading Israeli propaganda.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                I’ve read a few books on my way to a masters in geography with a minor in middle eastern history. Just a few.

                Like in other arabized nations, they colonized the lands to establish themselves there. That they can be genetically linked to the region is only proof that they’ve been there for an extended period which no one disputes. They’ve been there since they ethnically cleansed the region originally.

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  -18 months ago

                  I’ve read a few books on my way to a masters in geography with a minor in middle eastern history.

                  Either this is bullshit or you need a refund on your degree.

                  That they can be genetically linked to the region is only proof that they’ve been there for an extended period which no one disputes.

                  It feels like you didn’t even read what I wrote/quoted. Modern Palestinians have a strong genetic link to the ancient Canaanites. Not Arabs, the Canaanites. There was no ethnic cleansing of Palestine after the Arab conquest, and if there was you’re gonna need a really good source (you won’t find one because it doesn’t exist).

                  • @[email protected]
                    07 months ago

                    Hold up, are you trying to argue that after a thousand years of interbreeding the genetic lines are clear there?

                    Seriously? Of course they’re integrated after all this time.

      • @Apollo
        -18 months ago

        An immoral thing is immoral regardless of the reasons. Everyone thinks they are the good guy, everyone thinks their actions are justified.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          8 months ago

          This is mediafactcheck’s bias coming through. This site is founded by Israeli Jews and is explicitly intended to give a Jewish perspective on the conflict. Media fact check takes the words of Zionist-sympathetic organizations like the anti-defamation league too highly, so Mondoweiss gets labeled as antisemitic even though personally I haven’t seen a single example of antisemitism on it. The claim that a site created and run by an Israeli, progressive Jew is antisemitic, there needs to be sufficient evidence for that, otherwise the most logical conclusion is that antizionism is being presented as antisemitism.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            Can you provide another source? If it’s verifiable, you shouldn’t have an issue providing something that is considered less biased then.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                You’re relying on a single account from someone who admittedly wasn’t present?

                I’m not able to definitively state the Israelis didn’t kill their own in an attempt to take out the terrorists but nothing here is anything close to definitive that they intentionally wiped out their own people.

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  08 months ago

                  Sigh it’s now clear that you’re not discussing this in good faith so I won’t engage any further. For anyone else bothering to follow the comment chain down this far, this guy is purposely misinterpreting the articles to create the slightest hint of weakness in a part of the evidence and dismiss the whole thing. Read the articles yourself and then decide if they’re “close to definitive” or not.

                  • @[email protected]
                    07 months ago

                    Purposely calling out bias is now misinterpretation?

                    Ya, you’re in the ‘alternative facts’ world where reality doesn’t matter so long as it backs your narrative.

                    Find a source that’s not biased, and doesn’t reference your original biased source and I’m interested.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      There was a soldier inside this bomb shelter. The IDF were clearly using civilians as human shields. Hamas had no other choice to exterminate the IDF terrorists.

      Memes aside, Hamas very clearly targeted IDF locations and their main goal was taking hostages.

      On Oct 7 they got a currently known 70% civilian casualty rate (1 in 3 kills was IDF) what is far better than America’s 90% or whatever the fuck israel is doing in Gaza right now. If anything Hamas has proven that they did not target civilians just by the civilian casualty percentage.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        Every citizen in Israel is a soldier or was one. That you’re using their reserve status to claim they are soldiers is disgusting.

        The Palestinians published video of themselves cheering over brutalized women and handing out sweets while being celebrated in the streets. They put baby’s in ovens. They admit this and are proud of it based on the audio from the day.

        You’re covering for terrorists that don’t even want coverage. That’s fucked up.

        • @[email protected]
          -48 months ago

          So a non active Hamas combatant isn’t a valid target either?

          By the way these are active IDF troops. It was a very targeted attack against the militant kibbutzes where mainly soldier’s live.

          • @[email protected]
            -28 months ago

            Hamas has a reserve corps? News to… the entire world there.

            These were not active soldiers, they were regular people like Vivian Silver who devoted her life to working with the Palestinian people. They were party goers at a music festival. They were families with young children. This is why they in large part weren’t armed, even though they’ve been trained. Reservists don’t have their weapons when they’re not active.

            I’d implore you to go watch the videos. This wasn’t a targeted attack, it was a breach followed by mayhem. There is audio available of terrorists phoning their parents to brag about killing families. You’re justifying this. You’re defending this. The counter offensive from Israel should be completely acceptable to you by your own logic. Very specific actions, lots of warning too. Guided missiles hitting the exact targets. All against known Hamas operatives. According to your logic the women and children are just what? Part of the targeting? It’s hard to believe you actually buy into what you’re writing but I have come across some seriously fucked up people here.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              I’m just using America logic here. If Hamas was American this would have been called a highly accurate targeted assault with minimal civilians casualties, far better than the American avarage.

              If anything Hamas look like angels in comparison to israel which uses JDAMs on schools full of little kids and women and burns them alive or suffocates them beneath the rubble.

              • @[email protected]
                -28 months ago

                American logic? By American logic Gaza should have been nuked. By American logic, shock and awe is an opening statement followed by a complete leveling of cities and towns.

                By American logic, the Israelis are playing kindergarten games

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  I know Americans are hypocritical war criminals. Just trying to illustrate a point of the same propaganda we hear on the news of you replace the word Israel with Hamas.