If you see a better source, please share so I can swap it in

  • @ArbitraryValue
    37 months ago

    Here is the post by Dr. Freedhoff criticizing Dr. Ge. It seems to me that Ge’s quoted statements, while obviously objectionable to many, aren’t particularly extreme compared to a lot of what gets said online. This and the fact that Freedhoff posted over two weeks ago makes me think that Freedhoff’s post may not be the main cause of Ge’s suspension.

    • OtterOPM
      7 months ago

      the fact that Freedhoff posted over two weeks ago makes me think that Freedhoff’s post may not be the main cause of Ge’s suspension.

      I feel like suspension decisions take time. I also don’t think the blog post was the sole reason for the suspension.

      People are asking questions about what happened behind the scenes, using the post & Freedhoffs social media as insight for who was involved and what reasoning was used

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Amazing the supposed “anti-semetic” posts are all from before Oct 7. This Dr. Freedhoff went on a fishing expedition through Dr. Ge’s post history to find reasons to get him kicked out. Makes me wonder if Dr. Freedhoff had a beef with Dr. Ge and decided to use the political moment to his advantage, or if he’s going through the post history of everyone at the university trying to find anyone who ever disrespected Israel.

      • @ArbitraryValue
        17 months ago

        No they’re not. I haven’t gone through and found dates for each of them, but there are several that reference events after Oct. 7.