Does happiness have a price? For a majority of Americans, the answer is yes — but it doesn’t come cheap.

About 6 in 10 of Americans believe money can buy happiness, according to a new poll from financial services firm Empower. Yet to achieve happiness through financial means, most people say they’d need a significant raise, as well as a big chunk of money in the bank.

Median household income in the U.S. stands at about $74,000 annually, but respondents told Empower that they’d need to earn roughly $284,000 each year to achieve happiness.

And as for wealth, Americans said they’d need even more in the bank to feel content: $1.2 million, to be exact, the poll found. Many people are wealthier than they were a few years ago, thanks to the rise in real estate and stock market values, yet the median net worth of U.S. households stood at $192,900 in 2022, according to the Federal Reserve.

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    I don’t think you’re arguing against the concept or anything. I’d thought maybe you hadn’t seen what people meant.

    I can for sure understand your perspective.

    • @otp
      38 months ago

      Gotcha. Have a good day!

      • @remus989
        28 months ago

        Aww, niceness on the internet!