Sure thing, though I’d prefer not to get TOO into a splinter discussion.
Arbitrary banning of guns based on random characteristics just doesn’t work. Gun violence is a people problem, not a tool problem. We’ll do much more to curb gun violence if we address the things that are causing it, instead of just removing the tool. So things like socioeconomic disparity, mental health, bigotry, etc. there are some gun control laws I’m for (voluntary buybacks, mandatory classes, mental health screening, mandatory registry) and a lot I’m against (bans based on arbitrary features like caliber, look, magazine capacity - realistically anything that isn’t concealability related, as that’s the biggest factor on gun violence.)
The too-woke thing, this one is a bit more fringe I think. I have less nuanced of a position on it, but it’s mostly around the concept of cancel culture. The idea that it can be so easy for some innocuous thing said or done in the past to come up, and that can cause you immense social harm even if you’ve shown you don’t align with that statement/action any longer.
That, and a sense of overcorrection with regards to mens role in society, where in certain circles it can feel very much like being a man is just bad. I recognize that both of those are kinda niche, mostly online-only though.
Edit:and again, it’s not about a specific topic or anything. I don’t choose to identify with ANY political labels, left right center or alt, I think holding too strongly to the label is just going to make it harder for you to shift when some new information becomes relevant.
Sure thing, though I’d prefer not to get TOO into a splinter discussion.
Arbitrary banning of guns based on random characteristics just doesn’t work. Gun violence is a people problem, not a tool problem. We’ll do much more to curb gun violence if we address the things that are causing it, instead of just removing the tool. So things like socioeconomic disparity, mental health, bigotry, etc. there are some gun control laws I’m for (voluntary buybacks, mandatory classes, mental health screening, mandatory registry) and a lot I’m against (bans based on arbitrary features like caliber, look, magazine capacity - realistically anything that isn’t concealability related, as that’s the biggest factor on gun violence.)
The too-woke thing, this one is a bit more fringe I think. I have less nuanced of a position on it, but it’s mostly around the concept of cancel culture. The idea that it can be so easy for some innocuous thing said or done in the past to come up, and that can cause you immense social harm even if you’ve shown you don’t align with that statement/action any longer.
That, and a sense of overcorrection with regards to mens role in society, where in certain circles it can feel very much like being a man is just bad. I recognize that both of those are kinda niche, mostly online-only though.
Edit:and again, it’s not about a specific topic or anything. I don’t choose to identify with ANY political labels, left right center or alt, I think holding too strongly to the label is just going to make it harder for you to shift when some new information becomes relevant.