• PugJesus
    587 months ago

    Just a little casual genocide, nothing major, some dead LGBT folk here, some dead minorities there… normal stuff. Just wanna grill.

    • @[email protected]
      157 months ago

      As long as they’re our alliest, gotta let Fascists be Fascist once in a while to release some steam.

      A few dead children and blown up hospitals is just collateral damage. There’s nothing we could do about it1

      1that wouldn’t upset our Fascist allies.

      • PugJesus
        57 months ago

        They’re not even good allies. They’re busy shooting American citizens and selling US military technology to hostile powers. But I guess the end times needs Israel to begin so 50% of our politicians will mindlessly bootlick Israel and 40% of the rest are spineless cretins who think bipartisanship means ‘compromise, always’.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I love the smell of minority&meek soap in the morning. Then I remember I’m a right wing catholic white man with privileges and I use them by shooting some jets of fire with my pocket flamethrower from the fully open window of my monster truck while on the way to the usual grill with the boys, as my god intended ;)

      Edit: Obviously satire

  • @[email protected]
    557 months ago

    Interesting how everyone seems to think this tweet from 2018 seems to refer to th situation in Gaza in 2023.

  • @[email protected]
    377 months ago

    Are you 'murican? I don’t think the rest of the world agrees on any of the US’s “definitions” of left, right and liberal. From a European POV, the US democrats are really, really far to the right. Sanders might be leaning toward the center. The republicans are a strange mixture of libertarian regarding economical matters and very very right-wing/intrusive on personal matters. Whenever someone even mentions/comments other people’s sexual orientation and identity I automitcally assume they are creep that wants to sniff other people’s bedsheets. How can you be partly libertarian and also creepily nazi-intrusive? US-republican invention I can’t wrap my head around, that is.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Bro/Sis this is what is happening in the debate about refugees in Germany right now so no, actually you are wrong

      • Karyoplasma
        147 months ago

        Well, back when Steinmeier was our foreign minister and toured poor countries to advertise Germany as the land of opportunity and wealth because corporations wanted slaves they don’t have to pay properly, I was called a Nazi by many for saying that they won’t find any opportunity or wealth in Germany. Our government never had the well-being of immigrants in mind, they just stuffed them into dilapidated “refugee camps”, told them their education is insufficient and left them to rot. I am not surprised.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        Any relevant links? I tried to google it, but it seems to me that the debate is about funding them - not about killing them.

        • @funkless_eck
          57 months ago

          I can’t speak to Germany, but in the UK the government had to be forced to use the lifeguard to save drowning people because they wanted to let refugees die, and had to be forced to stop sending people to Rwanda (even if they’re not from Rwanda) just to get rid of them.

          Both stories are easily googlable.

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            That’s not a genocide. There is a big difference between refusing to expend resources to save peoples life and actively expending resources to destroy lives.

            • @funkless_eck
              -17 months ago

              I dont particularly care about defining what is and isn’t a genocide, I care about not killing people.

              • @[email protected]
                37 months ago

                And the Nobel Peace Prize you get for that will be mailed to you. Until it arrives, let’s do discuss about definitions, nuances, and all these other annoying details that set a principled debate apart from blind virtue signalling.

                I, for one, really care about the distinction between initiating something evil and merely not doing enough™ to stop it. The UK did not made them refugees. Sure, the old British empire caused trouble all around the globe, but modern refugees are mostly escaping from regional wars and totalitarian governments. One could say that it’s still their fault because that’s the aftermath of them leaving, but that would imply that the UK should have kept occupying these countries, so you probably don’t want to go there.

                So they did not cause them to be refugees. Both the refusal to save them from drowning and the deportation are an expression not of a deliberate attempt to kill them, but of a refusal to help them. The UK government does not want these refugees to be in the UK.

                If we take this issue and place in the OP template, it’d look something like this:

                Right: Let’s not let refugees in.
                Left: Let’s let all the refugees in.
                Center: Guys, you’re gonna have to compromise, let’s just let /some/ of the refugees in.

                One should notice that:

                1. Unlike the original post, this is not a strawman. You don’t have to go very far to the right to find plenty of people who want to let no refugee in, and you don’t have to go very far to the left to find plenty of people who want to let them all in.
                2. Once the strawman is removed - the centrist position does not seem that absurd anymore.
                3. If you keep insisting that “not accepting refugees” equals “genocide” - people will stop taking your claims about genocide so seriously. Because you don’t care about definitions, so it could mean anything.
    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      So you, a non-leftist, are against the cultural genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Gaza? That’s refreshing!