• tygerprints
    337 months ago

    I was too distracted by my complete boredom in church to pay any attention to anything. If only a light fixture could have spared me the agony of sitting there in that horrible place. I’m glad I left that religious malarky behind in my childhood and grew up to become an atheist.

    • ReallyKinda
      107 months ago

      Same, I did a lot of counting fingers and ceiling tiles and coloring in all the enclosed letters in the program. Didn’t absorb enough god I guess.

      • tygerprints
        27 months ago

        I counted a lot of ceiling tiles in my time also. And i made up my own words to “hymns” to amuse myself, some of which were quite naughty (for a kid). I still regard churches as emblems of the dark ages where depression and despair go to live.

        • ReallyKinda
          37 months ago

          Agreed and I think it hurt the less rebellious kids more. Kids who tried their best to please the adults who were telling them this is what a good person is and does.

          • tygerprints
            27 months ago

            So true, and coming from a mormon culture I can tell you that you’re right. The mormon kids I went to church with were by far the more terrorizing and misbehaved kids compared to us who weren’t. Of course it was “their” church and I think parents look the other way when it’s their kid doing something bad. They really believe their hellious rebellious brats were natural born “saints.” My a$$ - they were the most despicable people. One reason I abandoned any pretense of liking church very early on.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      My chuch had little index cards and pencils in the pews for some reason, I doodled all over them

      • tygerprints
        07 months ago

        Nice, I wish we’d had those!! I was so bored at church I mostly just watched the clock ticking backwards.

    • @fsxylo
      17 months ago

      Thank fuck for children’s bible school so I could at least draw in coloring books while pretending to listen to whatever the supervisor was on about.

      • tygerprints
        17 months ago

        I was raised in mormon country USA, so we HAD to go to primary every Sunday, and the teacher would have felt (the fabric, felt) cut-outs of Jesus and the sun in the sky and I always wondered why Jesus was so pink looking. And why the sun was always in the sky - never any clouds. I guess that would be too heavy for us dumb kids to wrap our dumb minds around.