I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that? Are there any good leftist instances?

  • davel [he/him]
    6 months ago

    The “Uyghur genocide” is bullshit Atlanticist propaganda, and English-language Wikipedia is basically NATOpedia in its slant on the topic, so yes we will deny it. It’s a product of the new Cold War propaganda campaign against China.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Here are some properties of any conspiracy theory worth it’s name:

      • Closed Ideological Systems: They provide an all-encompassing explanation for various events or states, with everything fitting into their worldview.
      • Immunity to Facts: Any contrary evidence is dismissed as false or considered part of the conspiracy.
      • Enemy Construction: They tend to draw a clear line between “us” (those who “know the truth”) and “them” (the supposed conspirators).
      • Adaptability: Conspiracy narratives can change and incorporate new “evidence” or events to maintain their credibility.

      It matches for QAnon and the MAGA crowd as well as the lemmygrad crowd.