Wolverine really does look like two Batmen kissing

  • @funkless_eck
    27 months ago

    By that token all labor is prostitution of a sort, and thus the term loses all meaning, so its pointless calling it that.

      • @funkless_eck
        27 months ago

        I disagree. Growing your own food is labor. Volunteering is labor. Organizing is labor. Caring for your family is labor.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          so, doing something for yourself or people you care about is labour, doing something in exchange for money is prostitution

          • @funkless_eck
            7 months ago

            I mean are you using prostitution to mean “pro-stituere” (“ready” “to be sold”) in which case even the most ardent captialist would agree. Or are you making an insinuation that exchanging the brane of labor-time-effort for the brane of exchange-account-value-store is somehow immoral? Because even the most barter-focussed kibbutz or shetl will eventually need to trade some kind of future (e.g. fishermen need boats before they can provide fish, farmers need to survive the winter to sow seeds in spring)