• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Attitudes like this honestly piss me off more than conservatives. You didn’t get the options you wanted, so you decided to just give up, take your ball, and go home. Grow the hell up. We don’t quit just because shit looks bleak, we keep on pushing until we can see the sun poking through the clouds, because that is the only way we will ever see it. If we give in to despair now, we will never get there. Even if it seems pointless, or like things aren’t getting better, I can guarantee you it can always, ALWAYS be worse. And THAT is your reason to vote.

    I’m sorry if that reason isn’t as optimistic as you were hoping for, but that’s the reality that we live in. And it will never get better if we just bitch about unfairness and bury our heads in the sand. If we want things to get better, we need to make them better. And that starts with you. Please, be better than this. I know you have it in you.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      07 months ago

      Things are getting worse even with voting though. Voting just makes them slightly less worse.

      • LordR
        47 months ago

        Then get everyone you know to vote, join a union, organize, strike in the worst case. Voting is not your only option.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        And for the people for whom that difference is life and death, your apathy is nothing short of collaboration in their murder.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          7 months ago

          People will die no matter what I choose. They’ll die from failed abortions in Texas or they’ll die from Israeli bombs in Gaza. The world is shit and has gotten worse despite me voting as often as I can.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            And yet it will get even worse if you don’t, and it will be your fault for not doing so.

            When you have the choice between bad and not as bad, letting bad win puts the responsibility for that on your shoulders.

            You don’t get to call yourself an ally if you don’t commit to the work of harm mitigation.

            If you choose to not even do the minimum amount of work of solidarity, you are the white moderate Dr. King railed about in Birmingham.

            All the frilly talk of supporting the cause with none of the action to back it up. Having to be bullied shamed and yelled at for the soul crushing Herculean task of standing in a line to fill a form out.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        No, actually they’re really not. You just don’t like someone arguing against you.

        free of internet nonsense like I am.

        Then why are you here?

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          Because they’re sooooo edgy and cool. I don’t understand why “I am actively hostile to everyone around me and want to prevent any positive change” is how someone wants to experience life, but there it is. They can’t be free of any nonsense, nonsense is literally all they are.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            The fact that you’ll be watching is why the people who’ll be burning will remember your name as a collaborator in what is done to them.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Grow up and live your life free of internet nonsense like I am.

        Bruh I keep seeing your name pop up multiple times in this thread and you’re always complaining about getting downvoted as if it matters or something.

        You sound insufferable to be around and your comments read like someone who is compulsively online and just figured out how to base their personality around an edgelord DnD character.

        Seriously in one comment someone asked why you’re even here and you responded with “let it burn” or “watch it burn” or some variation of that. Straight up same energy as saying I brood in a dark corner of the tavern lol. Get that 2010 edgelord cringe out of here man. Take your ass to a gym and get out of that nihilistic funk

        The world may have a gun pointed at its head but that don’t mean you need to give it the ammo

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I live in memes

            Oh no, this isn’t your average everyday cringe, this is… ADVANCED CRINGE!

            lol, you sound like a tool bro, and not even a good one. More like one of those shitty allen wrenches that is tossed in the back of a drawer and is always too small or too large to fit anything.

            Seriously bro, do yourself a favor, disconnect from the computer and hit the gym or find a hobby. This 2010 edgelord stuff is hilarious if you’re a troll. But kinda sad if you’re not trolling