I’m pretty done with BORU at this point unless you all have some specific requests or want to post them yourselves. I’m thinking I’ll take some deep dives into the askreddit posts and include the most memorable responses? I’d also like to get some good copypastas; maybe even a bestof “jumper cables guy” post. LMK what y’all are into!

  • 🐱TheCat
    11 months ago

    I liked some of the scary stories and writing prompts style stuff, but I don’t know if fictional stuff fits the vibe of this sub. I leave you to decide.

    Other than that I want to second the hobby drama stuff! I learned so many random things from those

    Oh and maybe some of the best of all time history posts?

    p.s. If anyone else is like me going ‘BORU? Whats BORU?’ it’s specifically referring to the ‘best of redditor updates’ subreddit.