• Jakeroxs
    1 年前

    Don’t fly the flag of Isreal if you disagree with what the government of Isreal is doing, pretty obvious…

    Violence and vandalism aren’t the same thing BTW

    Let me explain this further, imagine a German person during the Nazis reign in Germany lives in the US, if they fly the flag of the Nazis, do you think they’re endorsing what the government of Germany is doing? If someone vandalized their flag because they disagreed with what Nazi German was doing, would you consider that to be anti-german or anti-nazi?

    Let me be absolutely clear, I don’t condone violence against any one aside from in self defense, I think everyone deserves the right to try and find happiness and meaning in life as long as it doesn’t come at the cost of other people’s well being. I don’t consider vandalizing a flag of a country that is committing war crimes to be violence against people. Just like I wouldn’t think burning or otherwise vandalizing a US flag for all the shit the US has done is anti-American (the people who live in America or were born there and moved out of state vs the government/people in power in the US) but nuance is hard apparently.