• @otp
    17 months ago

    I can definitely agree with you there!

    I still do think that there should be MUCH less of a discrepancy between how much the C-suite gets compensated relative to the people actually “getting shit done”.

    • tygerprints
      27 months ago

      I’ve been on the “one of the braves doing the actual work” end of things at a company where we literally had 34 managers and 3 actual customer service people. It was horrible. All the managers did was hold meetings, and then tell us how we three could work harder. And then start farming us out to field reps who would call us all day long with emergency needs for mailers, equipment, parts, etc. It was really a disaster. Turns out most of the managers were “friends” of each other who hired each other just to be managers and not have any actual responsibilities. So yes - I firmly agree there needs to be more equitable pay for those who really do the hard work.