Edit: At least it’s not as bad as DHL, they just drop that shit wherever the hell they want after running it over

UPS it shows up late but in great shape

FedEx it’s on time but damn I wish they took the extra time to be more careful

Edit 2: Image transcription

Depicted is a comparison of 2 lines, 1 straight and the other spiraled and curled much like a bowl of spaghetti. Each line connects it’s own pair of X’s. The straight line has the words, “USPS delivering my bills,” above it. Whereas the tangled mass of line has the words, “USPS delivering my packages,” above it.

  • candyman337
    27 months ago

    Yeah, I don’t fault the drivers tbh it’s a shit job, they need better pay and support, and I feel like, despite the right thing to dismantle it, USPS is still the best to work for and it shows. Mail service is just that, a SERVICE. It doesn’t need to be a business, I wish we’d stop talking about USPS like it needs to be profitable. It’s necessary! Sure optimize it where you can without fucking over workers, but it doesn’t matter if it’s profitable because it’s purpose is to deliver mail not make a profit.

    The mentality of profitablity over everything else is so toxic. Even a business should want to provide a service and profit enough to grow at a reasonable rate, not maximize profit and everything else second.

    • GormadtOP
      47 months ago

      I work in the ltl freight industry, shipping blows

      I agree that we should be treating USPS like it is, a service

      It needs support for sure